Возможности SharePoint 2013 (Область определения:web-application)
Provision safe controls used in Academic Library Site.
Stores the settings for App Catalog Site
Allow users to acquire apps that require internet facing endpoints from the SharePoint Store.
BICenter Feature Stapler Feature
The timer job that processes workflow tasks in bulk
Enables classes and groups on a SharePoint Web Application.
Content type syndication.
Creates the taxonomy timer jobs on all web apps being created
Provides the infrastructure to synchronize metadata for Document Sets.
Contains the converters used to convert documents to publishing pages.
Email templates used to send out some notifications from SharePoint
Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Search feature
Adds the My Site Instantiation Queue timer jobs on all web apps being created.
Create Publishing timer jobs in the web application to support scheduling and variations.
Provisions the Search and Process timer jobs.
Uses the Search Server Service for search over broad enterprise content. In addition to list and site scopes, provides search over people profiles, business data, remote and custom content sources. Uses multiple tabs to display results in the Search Center.
Features such as Visio Services, Access Services, and Excel Services Application, included in the SharePoint Server Enterprise License.
Uses the Search Server Service for site and list scoped searches.
Features such as user profiles and search, included in the SharePoint Server Standard License.
Provides standard Site Upgrade links for a site.
Creates timer jobs in the web application to support translation import and export.